Notes on Images

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Saturday, December 31, 2011

301: Fireman and Kids

Seem the year will end with some excitement in the neighborhood. The lady across the street from us smelled gas and called the fire department. Well this event attracted a crowd. After everything was resolved one of the fireman walked across the street to a young lad and asked if he might like to have his picture taken in the firetruck. As the family photographer ran home to grab a camera, I did like wise.

Future Fireman?

What happened next I have see countless times before. It seems to me an unspoken requirement to be a good fireman is to love kids. This fireman was no exception he spent several minutes making the youngster's experience a delight. The fireman also paid careful attention not only in meeting the child's needs, he (by his actions) suggested the best photo ops.

Great Job, MR Fireman, Thanks!!!

In closing I need to point out this is a male specific comments. Some of the nicest firemen I have ever met were ladies and I mean real ladies, the kind I have the utmost respect for.

Monday, December 19, 2011

300:The Meaning of Christmas

Message from the Manger

Ever since I started this project I have said God provided me with some images, These Images have turned out to be the better ones not only photographically but with messages for others. This time It was not the best image and possibly not the best message for others but the very best message for me. So here is the story.

Last Christmas I sat out to photograph a manger scene and in my search I found only a couple none of which spoke to me through the camera. This year I was determined to accomplish my task. Of the three that I found this is the only one I felt might provide some artistic value.

The Manger

It did say what I wanted, we need to put the Birth of Christ in the spotlight in front of everything else. This is the real meaning of Christmas. But there was another message.

Over the years a lot of bad things have happened to me during the Christmas Season. These resulted in The Christmas season being a rather difficult time for me. As I was taking this image I noticed a car creeping buy and my first thought was here come the Cops, again. But then I noticed the car stop a few houses up the road. Four people go out of the car each carrying an arm load of stuff. They went up to the house placed the stuff on the front porch and three returned to the car. Then the person who had remained on the porch knocked on the door and ran back to the car. The car sped away and a minute or so later a lady came to the door saw the stuff and looked up and down the street but saw no one.

As I continued to watch from my concealed location, I saw the stuff contained clothes, food and toys. No matter what you say there is a Santa Clause. The real moral of the story love. Love is the sharing with others and never expecting anything in return. And what better time to get started sharing love on a daily basis, than right now during the Christmas Season. AS for me I need to focus on the Good not the Bad. (Thinks to the folks at coffee this morning who set the stage for this message.)

Merry Christmas and God bless Each and every one of you.

Elmo Clause

Monday, December 12, 2011

299: The Christmas Hat

The Christmas Hat
A Christmas Story
Thank goodness I have always been a nice jovial chap. RIGHT!!! I was so jovial that when my second youngest daughter was about 3 looked me straight in the face and said: “You Ozzie Gouch” and walked away. But then came the Christmas Hat.

The Christmas Hat

The story goes like this. Right after Thanksgiving Day several years ago, I was shopping at the local big box store. When I came out I notice a small crowd gathered around my truck. As I got to my truck I was found out that a lady had backed into my truck, as she was getting out of her parking space across the aisle. The lady was really upset and after I surveyed the damage, I told her there was not a problem. It took several minutes to convince her that that nothing was wrong, and there was nothing wrong. All she had done was changed the character of the patina I had been collecting on my truck for several years. The only issue was she had stolen some of the patina, and it was on the rubber bumper guard of her vehicle, so I reclaimed the stolen patina.

After she finally calmed down and realized I had no intention of trying to carry her and her insurance company to the cleaners, or even making any type of claim for that matter, she reached into bag of stuff she had just purchased an produced the Christmas Hat. She said she did not know why she had bought the hat until right then. She told me with my long white hair and beard, I needed the hat to go along with my Christmas Spirit. I started wearing the hat and noticed people smiling at me and that made me feel good and I started smiling back and telling everyone MERRY CHRISTMAS.

Over the intervening years I have worn out several hats because I can hardly wait for the day after Thanksgiving to put on my Christmas hat, fill my pockets with candy canes and go out and enjoy the season with others. So this is my Christmas Card I am sharing with you.

God Bless and have a Merry CHRISTmas.

AKA  Elmo Clause

This Second part was added Dec 10, 2012
The CHRISTmas Hat --- Cont’..  A true life tale..

Last season the CHRISTmas hat was walking in Walmart when a young lady came up from behind and  tugged on his sleeve.  As the Hat turned around the lady said “My little girl thinks you are Santa Clause and wants to tell you something.   The Hat replied in likely the most profound statement he ever made: “Well you can never be for sure who Santa might be. “  As the Hat got down on one knee and the little girl began her tale..   “ Santa, I made a mistake I wrote you too early and asked for only one of the five things I listed. But I have found what I really need, and is it too late to change my request?”  And through the bright and sparkling eyes, she continued describing a doll.  The Hat look up toward her mom, who you could tell was really down on her luck, and mom with a tear in her eye shook her head no.  Now what is the Hat supposed to say?

Then the Hat out of the corner of his eye noticed a man who had been watching signaling with his hand and saying no don’t tell her.  When the man saw he had the Hat’s attention he leaned over and whispered something in the mom’s ear and expression of joy and amazement filled the mother’s face and the man turned and walked away.  And the Hat then told the little girl he thought it might be possible to get the order changed.  A short time later the man sought the Hat out and explained he had lost his wife and daughter several years before this was the first time he had felt the CHRISTmas sprit since and he had bought the doll for the little girl and sneaked it to her mother so the little girl would be surprised on CHRISTmas morning.. 

Neat story and it is true, but there is more…  Last week when the CHRISTmas Hat was at Walmart, and a young lady walked up from behind and tugged on his coat sleeve.  As the Hat turned around the young lady said “Do you remember us?”  As The Hat struggled to recognize the face, she reminded him of the afore mentioned incident and he acknowledged her.  Seems they had been looking for The Hat to tell him thanks for being there to make there last CHRISTmas bright.  Then the Thank you continued, it seems that because the Hat had been there last year, beginning on the day after Thanksgiving this year the little girl had a new dad, mom had a new husband, and the man had both a new wife and a new daughter..

Now you know the rest of the story… And the moral?
Sometimes it is best to be available and let God do the work….

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

298: Maggie. R.I.P.

Several day ago I caught a glimpse of an image. This morning I could think about little else. So here is the story.

Several years ago I started a project of documenting all the cemeteries in the county. I now have a new, very special one. Early in this blog I introduced Maggie, the dog living with some of the local homeless Guys.

It seems that Maggie was involved in a fatal accident several weeks ago and an appropriate memorial service followed. It was attended my many of the local homeless, along with some friends of the homeless. The memorial service was conducted by 5 local pastors representing various churches and denominations in our community. I say all this to say: The homeless are just like everyone else. The have feeling and they care. They cherish true friendship and a pleasant greeting.

The Guardian

When I got to the location, this morning, I visited with Bob for a while while "Lady", a recently arrived stray dog, kept watch from a distance. As I walked out of the camp toward the grave she got close to Bob and made sure he was OK. She continued to watch me as I walked to the grave site and paid my respects. After I took this image and was walking back to my truck I looked back over my shoulder and noticed that she went over to the grave site and made sure everything was OK, before returning to bob's side. Maggie will never be forgotten but it seems Bob has a new companion.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

297: Seed and Feed

I have not been putting in any effort on ths blog. I admit I really should and I might try to change that. Anyway I was passing through down town today and noticed 6 different photographers working down town, must be a better place than even I imagined. What does all this mean---nothing other than I noticed this and it seemed pleasant,

Fall at the Seed and Feed

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

296: Seeing Red

As I stated last time I am trying to orient myself to a new technique. I used another group project to select this subject. I did determine I need to do a lot of lens testing before I can get decent results with this technique.

Seeing Red

295: The Corner Post

This might be the start of series of images which will possibly change my photo style. At least is is the start in exploring a new photo methodology. I hope you enjoy.

The Corner Post

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

294: What you say???

Last post I mentioned a sign that caught my eye but the lighting was bad. Last night while cleaning lenses I came across an excellent lens that I almost never use, so I decided to use it to get the image. Again the light was not great.

As I stated last time I wonder who does the signage for the city, The signs often opens themselves for a joke or two and finally have to be replaced, as were the "Prostitution Free Zone" that were replaced by the sign shown in the last post. This time it is not the wording but the concept of placing the signs to start with.

What you Say ??

Monday, October 17, 2011

293: Signs

As some might realize I have a thing for signs, stupid signs that is. While driving home from a errand today I noticed just such a sign. The lighting was unusable so I decided to go shoot it in the morning.

When I got home I was thinking about the sign and recalled a discussion with Steven several months ago about another local sign. As most of our discussions they a to say the least weird. This was about some signs recently posted here which started, "Free Prostitute Zone." That sign left a lot of latitude for interpretation. I thought that might do for an image so I set out to find one.

Seems someone has pointed out the possibilities of that sign and replaced them with one a little clearer. I was disappointed with new sign so I took an imaged and headed home disappointed. When I got home I down loaded the image and glanced at it.

I found the dirty old man in me rolling on the floor laughing. Seems the yellow sign behind the main sign took on a totally new meaning.


Saturday, October 15, 2011

292: The Color Blue

I went back to the Art Walk today. In reviewing many items it seems the trend is to bright flashy colors. With this in mind When I walked outside, I found this in the gutter and it seemed to fit.

The Color Blue

Friday, October 14, 2011

291: Evening at the Art Walk


This evening was the fall edition of the Art Walk. I normally get several nice images but this evening my eye was not very alert.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

290: Back Yard Bird

Today was a rainy dull day. The type of day where I like to sit on the front porch and read my Bible and meditate. However today I decided to use the side porch. As I walked out the door Walla!!! I ducked back in the house, grabbed the camera and did the best I could with the existing camera configuration.

Hawk in the Shower

Thursday, September 22, 2011

289: Front Porch Companion

Over the past few months I have not been photo active. This afternoon while meditating on the front porch, one of my companions showed up. I decided that as fall is approaching it might be a good idea to get a snapshot of my little friend.

Always hanging around

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

288: Nice folks

This week started on a low spot I lost one of me closest friend. Well today I got a little pick-me-up. I receive a package in the mail from a distant relative. It contained the first picture (among many others) of my grandfather - Grandfather.
He passed in 1907 so the image is over 100 years old.


Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Bass

Sunday, July 24, 2011

287: Marty

Marty 1954 - 2011

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith;
2 Ti 4:7

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

286: July Fourth

Independence Day Fireworks

Monday, July 4, 2011

285: Finally

Five years ago after shooting the local fireworks I came across the idea of shooting the Old Court House spire with fireworks behind it. The first year I selected a location to shoot several blocks away from the Courthouse and when the display started I found the burst were way off to one side, strike one. The next year I got closer and a better angle only to have street light dominate the images, strike two. Last year I thought my location was right only to learn they moved the fireworks launch site, FOUL ball. This year.....

A Smiley Face

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sunday, June 19, 2011

283: The Face

Most folks know I am not a formal portrait type person, but yesterday I saw this candid portrait Every thing except the lightning seemed perfect. The face, The expression, The Posture, the costume, I only which I was better at this sort of thing.


Saturday, June 18, 2011

282: The Watcher

I went to a dedication of a redone Civil War Memorial. There were many Civil War Actors. There were many picture opportunities.

The Watcher

Friday, June 10, 2011

281: Country Style Cruising

I cannot believe two post in one day and only three in all of last month, but that is being country.

Country Style Cruising

Friday Night in Beautiful Erotic Downtown Monroe.

280: Railroading

Have you ever wondered if or what if a train had a flat?


Well they do have such issues and a sequence of the change out can be found at my Railroading pages at

Sunday, May 22, 2011



And so it is -- Documenting the human Condition.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

278: The Spring Strut

When spring arrives, Man's fancy turns to love.


Friday, May 6, 2011

277: Mothers Day

Zella Williams Bass Rowe

I remember my birthday the year before I started to school, I was living with my mother in a one room apartment. As I look back it seems she was really struggling to support us but she came up with the funds to throw a nice party for my birthday. After the party she revealed my special present from her. She had taken tape and laid out a street intersection on the floor in the middle of the room with tape. She then took some of my old battered toy cars and placed them in the intersection along with a brand new fire truck and police car. For the next month she would sit on the floor with me nearly every night and we would play "Car Wreck."

So few years, So many memories.
But not near enough.
Miss you MOM.

Monday, April 25, 2011

267: New Neighbors??

New Neighbors??

I am not sure if she likes me, as she keeps turning her back to me.

Friday, April 22, 2011

266: Children at the Cross

Then Jesus said, “Leave the children alone,
and don’t try to keep them from coming to Me,
because the kingdom of heaven is made up of people like this.”

Matt 19:14 HCSB

265: Bright spot on a dull day

I got up this morning and was greeted by some wet puppies and a cool breeze when I let them in. Considering the rainy cold and otherwise dull conditions I grabbed my camera anyway and headed out to pay some bills. I then realized it is Good Friday and most places are closed. When I headed back home I noticed the police escorting a group of marchers. Upon investigation I found the group was on a pilgrimage with several different churches (all different denominations) used as the stations of the Cross.

It seems in today's times participation in religious actives is proportional to the weather. I was encouraged to see this large group brave the conditions to stand up for their Christian beliefs.

In closing I would like to remind folks that the events we honor during this three day period are the Totality of Jesus Gospel. As Paul called it the 'Good News".

Saturday, April 16, 2011

264: Music in the Background

More from the Art Walk

Music In The Background

Friday, April 15, 2011

263: The Doll

Went to the Art Walk this Evening to shoot some street, but this won out

The Doll

Saturday, April 9, 2011

262: Close

Too Close for Comfort.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

261: Tulip Bed

It seems I photograph flowers like most of us study the Bible. We tend to single out one little thing while most often the real beauty is when you focus on a specific thing, but not ignore what surrounds it.

Tulip Bed

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

260: Blossom and Buds

Well Pay day was Monday so today was shopping and bill paying. After that there was no money to go find an image so it was back to the apple tree in the back yard. I am almost about to get the hang of the new lighting set up.

Blossom and Buds

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

259: The Light

Very early this morning a storm came raging through town. About half a mile away from my home, a huge limb, about 2 feed in diameter broke out of a very old oak and landed across the front porch of an old house. Among all the damage this light was still standing. The bulb in the light appears like a face and I am reminded that no matter what the storm, the light and face of Jesus is always there for us.

The Light and the Storm

Click on the image to see it in its splendor.

Monday, April 4, 2011

258: Apple Blossom Revisited

Apple Blossom
An Intimate Look

257: Dandelion

Had to break down and start mowing today. This was down in the grass and the mower missed it.

Dandelion Boom

Saturday, April 2, 2011

256: Public Service -- MS Walk

Today I utilized my Ham Radio Skills to help with communication for the local MS Walk. Photographic opportunities exist everywhere.

Local Girl Scouts welcome Walkers at MS walk.
They offered treats and refreshments along with encouragement.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Monday, March 28, 2011

252-4: Legend of the Dogwood

As the Easter Season approaches the Dogwoods bloom.

There Is A Legend
At the time of Crucifixion the dogwood had been the size of the oak and other forest trees. So firm and strong was the tree that it was chosen as the timber for the cross. To be used thus for such a cruel purpose greatly distressed the tree, and Jesus nailed upon it, sensed this.
In His gentle pity for all sorrow and suffering Jesus said to the tree:
" Because of your regret and pity for My suffering, never again shall the dogwood tree grow large enough to be used as a cross. Henceforth it shall be slender and bent and twisted and its blossoms shall be in the form of a cross--two long and two short petals. And in the center of the outer edge of each petal there will be nail prints, brown with rust and stained with red, and in the center of the flower will be a crown of thorns, and all who see it will remember."

The pink dogwood is said to be blushing
for shame because of the cruel purpose
which it served in the Crucifixion.

The red dogwood, called the Cherokee, bears
the color to remind us of the blood shed by our Savior.

AS I see it..
There is no Biblical basis for this legend but it does tell a beautiful story about a sad but wonderful event. As this legend may not be true it becomes even more amazing that God, during his creation of the world, foretold and illustrated this life saving event.
And now you know the rest of the story..

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I was "forced" to get out today so I decided to get a shot. Anyone tried to photograph a tulip in a hurricane? As a naturalist I prefer to shoot thing where they are.

Tulip among the Pansies

Sunday, March 20, 2011

250: Delicate II

Delicate II

This representation is actually larger on the screen than it is in real life. When ever I see thing like this and recall rough mountains, I am overwhelmed by the range of GOD' creation.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

249: Delicate


Photographers Woe
I had a new experience today while making this image. Yesterday I gave my daughter a hint on a possible shot involving the full moon. The more I thought about it I began to envision a similar shot that could be taken in my area. I left well before moonrise to find a suitable location. I found a suitable location several hours before moonrise and got everything set up for this fantastic shot.

As I sat patiently (yea right), I noticed some wild flowers. I have been working on an improved method for lighting macros. This seem like a good time to experiment. I got thing set up with my backup body and started making a few exposures. After a short time I heard sirens. In a minute a rescue truck turned up the lane where I was. A fire truck followed, then a ambulance. They all came to a screeching halt at my truck. Seem a passer by saw me laying down on the ground taking picture and reported it to 911 as a possible dead person.

Before it was over there was a rescue truck, two fire trucks, An ambulance and ambulance support supervisor, a gaggle of Volunteer firemen, not to mention a couple of deputy sheriffs. One of the deputies, who has "harassed" me several times in the past walked up and said: "Oh, its you. Is there some way you can take pictures without causing a commotion."

The question is how does one explain to a bunch of rednecks, why one would want to lay down in the middle of a field and take a pictures of a weed!!

But there is more. By the time of moon rise, a total cloud cover had moved in and I got no full moon image. Now you know the rest of the story.

Disclaimer:: None of this was my fault, If anyone is to blame it is my daughter, even though she is 2000 miles away.

Monday, March 14, 2011

248: Energy

Over the years I have been involved in several discussions about how power poles and lines destroy many photo opportunities. In this time of high energy cost and generating plant disasters it seemed appropriate to address the issue of photographing power poles and lines.


In this I see both man made power and God's power. Which is better?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

247: The Old Ways

It seem the old ways have been set aside for newer stuff. Sometimes it is good others I think not. It seems many churches have relegated the congregation to an audience rather than encouraging them to participate in worship.

The Old Way

246: Jeans

I may be getting old, but a nice figure still catches my eye.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

245: This Old House

Most art reflects something about the artist. In this case it is a two step process. The first step is the image reminds me of the old gospel song that became a pop hit, This Old House. The song in its gospel context sort of reminds me of my self.

This Old House

This ole house once knew his children
This ole house once knew his wife
This ole house was home and comfort
As they fought the storms of life
This old house once rang with laughter
This old house heard many shouts
Now he trembles in the darkness
When the lightnin' walks about

Ain't a-gonna need this house no longer
Ain't a-gonna need this house no more
Ain't got time to fix the shingles
Ain't got time to fix the floor
Ain't got time to oil the hinges
Nor to mend the windowpane
Ain't a-gonna need this house no longer
He's a-gettin' ready to meet the saints

This ole house is a-gettin' shaky
This ole house is a-gettin' old
This ole house lets in the rain
This ole house lets in the cold
On his knees I'm gettin' chilly
But he feel no fear nor pain
'Cause he see an angel peekin'
Through a broken windowpane

This ole house is afraid of thunder
This ole house is afraid of storms
This ole house just groans and trembles
When the night wind flings its arms
This ole house is gettin' feeble
This old house is needin' paint
Just like him it's tuckered out
But he's a-gettin' ready to meet the saints

This ole house dog lies a-sleepin'
He don't know I'm gonna leave
Else he'd wake up by the fireplace
And he'd sit there and howl and grieve
But my huntin' days are over
Ain't gonna hunt the coon no more
Gabriel done brought in my chariot
When the wind blew down the door

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

244: Shelter

Some have Shelter, Some are close. But, many are far away.


Monday, March 7, 2011

243: New Blossoms, Old Barn -- revisited.

The red in the first image has become a little "strong" to me, so I decided a black and white image might be in order. It wound up being heavy on the contrast but at least that rusty red is toned down.

New Blossoms, Old Barn II