Yesterday while doing my regular walk at the local Wall-Mart I noticed a very interesting photographic posibility. Naturally I had no camera. So today it was off to Wally-World camera in hand. The problem is a DSLR is not very easy to not notice. When I got in I squeezed off a shot to check exposure and continued my walk. Each time I passed by the area I slowed down to see what developed. After about a mile, I got a chance to get an “almost what I wanted”. As I continued walking and came to the area again, I noticed a couple of folks giving me the evil eye, so I gracefully scooted out the door. This is all I got, but it is in the Spirit of Independence Day.
After an absence from doing photography on a regular basis I decided to do a-picture-a-day-for-a-year project. As a direction I am attempting to use modern images where possible to relate times in my photographic past. As I am no longer a spring chicken, I can get philosophical some times. As a Christian I often see God possibly using me and my photography to send short messages. I hope you enjoy these images as much as I have enjoyed making them around Monroe, NC. TheElmo
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I love it! Through the eye's of a photographer.