Several years ago I started a project of documenting all the cemeteries in the county. I now have a new, very special one. Early in this blog I introduced Maggie, the dog living with some of the local homeless Guys.
It seems that Maggie was involved in a fatal accident several weeks ago and an appropriate memorial service followed. It was attended my many of the local homeless, along with some friends of the homeless. The memorial service was conducted by 5 local pastors representing various churches and denominations in our community. I say all this to say: The homeless are just like everyone else. The have feeling and they care. They cherish true friendship and a pleasant greeting.
The Guardian
When I got to the location, this morning, I visited with Bob for a while while "Lady", a recently arrived stray dog, kept watch from a distance. As I walked out of the camp toward the grave she got close to Bob and made sure he was OK. She continued to watch me as I walked to the grave site and paid my respects. After I took this image and was walking back to my truck I looked back over my shoulder and noticed that she went over to the grave site and made sure everything was OK, before returning to bob's side. Maggie will never be forgotten but it seems Bob has a new companion.