Last night when it was time to post, I suddenly remembered today's Images were on my computer that is currently out of commission. So I had to wait until after church today to do a recopy.
Here it is as promised, in honor of my eldest, Pam.
I must be fair as I used Carolyn's birthday post (image 21) as part of a story, I must use this on as part of a story. It seems that both this and Carolyn's image are illustrations of my studio work. They were an attempt to make a more sophisticated image of a previous snapshot.
As you can see remakes generally lack some of the character of the originals.
After an absence from doing photography on a regular basis I decided to do a-picture-a-day-for-a-year project. As a direction I am attempting to use modern images where possible to relate times in my photographic past. As I am no longer a spring chicken, I can get philosophical some times. As a Christian I often see God possibly using me and my photography to send short messages. I hope you enjoy these images as much as I have enjoyed making them around Monroe, NC. TheElmo
Notes on Images
As blogger restricts the image size of included images, click images for a larger version.
Limited EXIF data is contained in these larger images.
Limited EXIF data is contained in these larger images.
I still have that rocking chair :)