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Sunday, January 30, 2011


Shout the word, the weather was beautiful today, almost nice enough for a swim.


Saturday, January 29, 2011

204: The Fire Place

8 of ?

Today as I headed out for my daily walk I passed the area of the tent camp where the homeless were evicted and I felt compelled to stop for a visit. No one is home anymore. It was kind of like visiting an "old home place" and you think back;

The Fireplace is Cold

There was the fire place, now cold, A abandoned chair is waiting for some one to sit in it and pick up a magazine from the stack beside the fireplace. I then thought of Maggie (see post 23) coming over from laying beside her food and water bowls (upper right from the fire place)and nudging you to get a ball to throw for her. As I looked up and left I noticed an abandoned tent. This tent was the guest house, where anyone in need was welcome to stay until better arrangements could be made. A tear wants to come to my eye.

As I walked around for a few more minutes, I noticed details about the camp I had never noticed before. These folks were resourceful, the used what was available to meet the need at hand. I was tempted to pick up some little trinket for a keepsake and remembrance. I know they would not have minded, as they always would share what they had, but I kept thinking, they might need that when they get back. Wishful thanking I guess.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Something Interestering

Considering the protest in Egypt going on and it has been reported that all but 1 ISP in Egypt are off line. The blog has had one hit from Egypt today.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

203: What is in a Name

Elmo on the Porch

Recently I have again become embroiled in a name controversy, so I feel some clarification is in order. During most of my life most people knew me as Bob, a nickname for Robert. When I first came to North Carolina I was given a severe verbal beating, by a person who eventually became my best client, about how I was disrespecting my parents by not using the name they gave me. When I was finally able to get a word in edge ways, I explained that I was raised in the same city as my father and grandfather and as I was a third and to use either Robert (the name my father used) or Elmo (the name my grandfather used) could cause some confusion. Therefore, my parents chose to call me Bob.

After moving to Monroe, I found every activity I participated was loaded with Bob's. Along about the same time, I started suffering with a stiff neck. In my wisdom I determined my stiff neck problem was caused jerking my head around every time some one hollered Bob. In an effort to relieve the neck condition I decided to change names. Robert sounded to formal, but I knew I could never meet the standards of my Grandfather Elmo. After careful consideration I decided as he was my grandfather he might forgive me for defaming his name so Elmo was my choice. Besides I would have a unique name, who besides me would accept being called Elmo.

Beimg Elmo has partially relieved the neck issues, but has not been without its down sides. I recently went to the pastor of a local church for a little spiritual guidance. After entering his office and him closing the door. His first statement was "What is your real name, because we cannot talk if you are not truthful. " I tried to explain that Elmo was my real name. He refused to believe me. At which time I did as Jesus instructed, I got up walked to the door stopped and brushed the dust off my feet and left. I have never seen a preacher with such a truly dumbfounded look on his face? However, I am not sure he recognized my little act of protest. Later when I decided to become a member of a local church (a different one from above) I had to show them my drivers license before they would believe my name.

Oh, before some one makes a snide comment about the little sign attached to Elmo's arm (Shown above), it is true. Just push my button and see how trying I can get.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

202: Political Correctness -- The Spa


As my tact, diplomacy and political correctness are internationally known (Shameless Plug -> the blog was viewed in 40 countries last month). And as I do not want to be known as a Male Chauvinist Pig, I feel compelled to give equal time to the institutions that I grew up knowing as Beauty Shops. Before continuing I need to clarify something. As my mother passed away when I was very young I have no actual experiences with beauty shops, therefore, I am relaying information from what might be considered by some as reliable sources.

As I stated in my previous post Barber Shops and their purpose has changed and it appears beauty shops have also changed. I do remember certain special ladies who have been part of my life commenting about having to have an appointment to go to the Beauty Shop We can see in the image above Walk-ins are now welcome. Also we note that the names/descriptions have changed. They are no longer Beauty Shops but are now Salons or Spas. At least they have admitted to the change Barber Shops have not, Shame on you guys.

As for their purpose, please recall I have never been in one, but having experienced a couple of wives and four daughters and also based upon the eyewitness accounts I conclude "relentless fodder"(moderated comment on last post) might be a good description. So maybe the purpose of the beauty shop might not have changed.

Any one think I might need too quit while I still can?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

201: The Barber Shop

Well I thought it was time to get back to normal and off the crusade. Maybe, Maybe not.

The Barber Pole.

This morning I got a call from a friend who said he would be by for coffee after his barber shop appointment. While I was waiting on him to arrive, I got to thinking about the past when I used to go to the barber shop. What stuck in my mind was we used to enter the barber shop and take a seat to await your turn. During this time you joined the discussion with the others who were waiting. The discussions involved the latest happening, politics and other such happening. Now I have to admit it, but on"rare" occasion the discussions became a little biased, but you did get the latest "truths".

During the barber shop visits visits you learned how things were effecting and understood by others in the community. Usually some sort of decision was reached on the subjects at hand. It was the barbers duty to relay any and all decisions made to the new group as the individual discussion precipitants changed.

Life has become so fast That we now get appointments at the barber shop we loose the interaction and input from those around us on important issues. We subsist on our own preconceived ideas no matter how it might effect those around us. Maybe it is time to stop and smell the roses.

Better yet I propose a new law. No barber shop appointments. No one can be given a haircut until he has been in a discussion with a minimum of three patroons for a minimum of one hour. Penalty is to do barber shop service for a minimum of 80 hours for each offense. Barber shop service is defined as sitting in the barber shop in a discussion with a minimum of three patrons. This law would make about as much since as some we already have, but serve a much greater service.

If you think the barber shop tradition is not dead, I had to go to 4 barber shops before I found one that had an operating barber pole.

Monday, January 24, 2011

200: Reflections

7 of ?


As the fire dies down we see some of the item left behind when the homeless left the tent city. As they knew not of where they might go or what they might need when the got there along with the limited ability to move stuff many of their daily use items were left behind. It was heart wrenching to watch Bob leave, what had been his home for the past six years, for the last time. Bob was followed closely by Maggie, his dog (See Post 23), Maggie had the look of something is wrong and I think it us going to be bad.

Reflections on other related issues. In the time since 911 scrutiny of photographers has increased drastically. Some times the police have really gone overboard. One instance comes to mind of a photographer was arrested and taken to jail for photographing in a subway station. The photographer was taking picture for a photo contest sponsored by the subway company. I have always defended law enforcement's rights to stop and ask what you are doing. I have done this frequently on various photography forums. That is the reason I never minded when the police stopped and asked what I was doing on my photo excursions.

In taking pictures in Monroe for the past ten years the police have never said anything to me except for one occasion when someone (so they said, now I wonder) called 911 and reported a sniper on the Skyway Bridge, that is until recently. I even wrote the police Chief a letter commending her on the professionalism of her department during the event. Generally every time I see a law enforcement officer I take the time to tell them "thank you for doing a thankless job." I have always supported law enforcement up to now, but no longer.

As I just eluded to in the previous paragraph the situation has recently changed. In the month of November I was questioned 13 times all by city police. I had attributed this to me letting my hair and beard grow long. A friend pointed out to me that my hair and beard has been long a lot longer that that. As the paper noted the police department has been putting the contrived eviction together for a couple of months. I now realize that due to my association with the local homeless, I, like the homeless, have become a victim of police harassment.

Welcome to Dodge City

Sunday, January 23, 2011

199: Homeless and Horseshoes

Part 6 of ?

The Clang of these will no longer
Ring through the camp.

This image will remain embedded in my mind and remind me of John. As mentioned in the last post I helped carry John's cherished possessions to a place he thought might be safe. Among the items John kept was this set of horseshoes that had been used at Dodge City tent camp.

It seems to me the biggest issue relating to the homeless is we know nothing about them, most consider them a bunch of druggie alcoholic derelicts. So lets meet John. I wanted to use a picture of John but due to my respect for him and his feeling about being homeless, the one image I have of him well remain as a memory for me.

I first met John in November of 2008 when he first came to the camp. Prior to that John had been a cabinet maker. In this day and age of pre-made and ego branded cabinets , the demand for a true cabinet maker is limited. As the construction business faltered his work dried up. He survived for a while on his benefits and savings. When his resources ran out he found himself homeless.

John kept up hope he would go back to work so he kept his essential tools he would need to go to work. These tools bared him from living in a shelter because they could be used a weapons. His only alternatives were to give up hope of getting a job or move to the tent camp. John had hope so the tent camp was his only alternative.

Several months later as the building industry continued to dwindle his son, a carpenter, joined him in the camp until they could get enough money to get him to WV where he could be with family. You might ask why John did not go. According to John the family could only afford to help one and he felt his son should be the one. The one high point of this whole sad eviction affair is as John and I parted company late yesterday he looked at me and said " The longer I know you. the better I like you. You are not one of the typical fly by night do-gooders."

At the beginning of this post I mentioned that John kept his horse shoes. While helping him load his things I noticed another item he brought with him, His Lunch Box. After all this John still has hope.

I must admit this story is not true of all homeless people, but after being around most of the homeless in the area for the past two years it us typical of the group the police targeted. Others has asked, if I was so concerned why I did not open my home to them. I did check and as I have a reverse mortgage (the only thing that keeps me from being homeless) I am prevented from having non-family members living in my home. As I feel that if the police found out they were here, the mortgage company would find out.

198: Graffiti and Coincidences

Part 5 of ?

Oh, do not bother looking for a defaced sign this was Photo-shopped

As for coincidences, I learned late yesterday evening that another local homeless group was being evicted and had to be out by 12 noon today. They will not say why.

Another coincidence was yesterday evening when I was carrying John, one of the homeless guys being evicted, to Hemby Bridge; a local city police car was traveling the same route a short distance behind us.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

197: Ghost Town and Flag

Part 4 of ?

Flag Still Flies at Ghost town

The sun sets over Dodge City, now a Ghost town. As of this evening the Homeless guys have gathered up what they could and left the site.

I need to apologize to Wingate University for my less than flattering remarks in post # 194. At that time I was repeating what the Police at the scene told me. Well it seems now the local police chief has admitted this was a scheme cooked up by some policemen inside her department and was not provoked by Wingate University as previously stated. It seems the local police approached Wingate University laying out a very bad situation and Wingate Officials believed the police.

According to the now revised local Police story the "situation" was pan-handling. As many know I have spent a lot of time over the past couple of years visiting with the local homeless folks. During that time I discovered that yes the evicted guys pan-handle on occasion but the full time pan-handlers are a group living in a house about a mile away.

Again Wingate University I apologize, both you and I were lied to by a segment of the Monroe Police Department. Wingate University did what it thought best based on the "evidence" presented and I reported on the "evidence" presented, both were Bold Premeditated Lies.

Monroe Police Department SHAME ON YOU. We rightly deserve the name DODGE CITY when a segment of local law enforcement can decide to run someone out of town. Right now I am asamed that I ever served in law enforcement (Deputy Sheriff in Texas).

As an after thought I might mention even after getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar the police made absloutly no visual effort to assist with or relieve the 24 hour time limit they imposed. Is this their thought; "Ok so we lied we got what we wanted. So What? we the law." .

Welcome to Dodge City.

196: The Dodge City Trail

Part 3 of ?

Leaving Dodge City

This is John. John, a homeless person, takes his meager belongings and heads down the Dodge City Trail after being evicted by Monroe City Police. The were declared a nuance because of pan-handling. I can attest as an eye witness that these guys were not causing the problem. Yes on occasion they did pan-handle to meet there needs, but the problem pan-handlers were a group living in a house up the street.

The ones up the street had to pan-handle excessively to cover their expenses of living in a house. The evicted guys, however, were trying to live within their means by living in tents.

195: Packing to Move

Part 2 of ?

Moving Day

Came back by the house to warm up and get some coffee. And though I would post this. For those that do not know this is packing for a group of homeless the local police running out of town. As os to day their plot has bee uncovered. Shame on them. More too follow.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

194: Homeless Evicted

Part 1 of ?

To Be Evicted

It is with a heavy heart I relay the news these homeless guys and the others living in this camp are being evicted. They were given 24 hours to get out. The reason, an educational institution in another city has "decided" to get the land clear cut. From what I understand there is no intent of building any thing only to clear cut the area.

Not to mention the homeless what about the environment? Do we not require timber companies to replant trees where they clear cut. Do we not criticize other countries for allowing people to clear cut to gain needed farm land. Something does not seem to add up here. This thought is amplified because this tactic has been used over and over to dislocate homeless camps. By using the clear-cut excuse the powers that be can hide behind it and not look like they have no heart by just evicting the homeless. Oh, what evil learks in the heart of man!!

And the worse part is I feel at least partially responsible. Over the past couple of years I have put forth great efforts to get help for these guys. In doing so their camp location has become known to others. Shame on me for stepping out and trying to help those less fortunate than I.

Bloggers NOTE: Please read entry #197 for updated information, including an apology To Wingate University. I was repeating what the local police told me and the News Media.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

193: Patience

This is the image for the day. Because I followed the little still voice inside and made (set up) this shot I got a couple of others (see previous) today.


When I was much much younge I used to sit on the creek bank and patiently ( it took some effort) wait for my cork (when I was young all bobbers were made of cork) to signal a fish was going after my bait. As I grew older I started using a rod and reel to fish. With this busy-work method I no longer sat still and patiently waited for the signal. I have found that applies to life.

Now that I am older I realize the right way is to sit still and wait for the signal. I now think of all I have missed in my lifetime while doing busy-work. The old railroad crossing signs used to express it perfectly: Stop, Look, Listen.

192: Feeding the Gull's

I cannot say much other than today presented an excellent opportunity to do some catch up on a picture a day. It seems due to the free food opportunities a colony of Sea Gulls have taken up residence some 150 miles inland.

Family time with Nature

192: Feeding the Ducks

Last time I mentioned about standard Leica type test shots contain park benches. Well another common test image are images of ducks. So today I went to shoot ducks and found myself falling into street photography (it does contain a duck and a park bench), but street photography is Leica's forte.

Food's Gone. We Will Leave

Sunday, January 16, 2011

191:Picnic Time??

It appears to me one of the favorite subjects for Leica shooters are park benches. Well I would like a Leica (thou shall not covet), so I am in my play Leica mode.

Picnic Time

190: The Narrow Way

The Narrow Way
The only safe passage on this frozen bridge is right against the left rail, everywhere else is slick.

“Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it." Matt 7:13-14

Saturday, January 15, 2011

189: Make Lemonade

Well I am not fond of the weather, then I remembered the old expression: If the world gives you lemons, make lemonade. So here is to better weather and lemonade.

Making Lemonade

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

184: Tracks in the Snow

Tracks in the Snow by Street Light

183: Lamp Post in Snow

Lamp Post in the Snow

Seems I am developing a fetish for lamp posts.

182: Speed Zone

As I look out my window and see vehicles flying by. I think they might need to read the sign.

Street In The Snow

On second thought, are they trying to take the fun out of going downhill in the snow??

Saturday, January 8, 2011

181: Memories

Last post was about memories of long ago, today is more modern. As I sat here today thinking about the proposed upcoming snow/ice storm I ran across this image from this past summer when I was wishing for cooler weather. Be careful what you wish for.

Summer Heat

180: Memories


Sometimes there must be an explanation. Several weeks ago I shot this after it pushed my thoughts to bygone days.

WPA-> In my youth some of the highpoints related to regular trips to Ratliff Lake. Ratliff Lake was a CCC project (Close enough to WPA for my thoughts) . It contained a large (at least seemed so at the time) lake for various water activities. Lots of trails and camping sites. Just a great place to go and have fun. I do seem to remember someone or ones loaded down the creek feeding the lake with Dye-Markers (the kind used by the Air Force to mark rescue areas in the ocean). Have you Ever seen a BRIGHT GREEN Lake?

Railroad -> Well my dad was a railroader. When they started phasing out Steam as power he quit stating, "real railroading is dead." As a modern day railfan I tend to agree, there is nothing like a real bellowing choo-choo.

San Antonio contains the Alamo. The Alamo is the defining statement of all TEXICANS. As I was born and raised in Texas what else can I say. And besides all my Childhood memories are from Texas.

Friday, January 7, 2011