I have not spent much time on the project. Basically I have made one image each day. Today I came across the image above, which was what I was thinking about. But, I did take a couple of others. I posted the one above because it was what I was thinking when I went out. Something kept bothering me so I came back to post this one:
I have not spent much time on the project. Basically I have made one image each day. Today I came across the image above, which was what I was thinking about. But, I did take a couple of others. I posted the one above because it was what I was thinking when I went out. Something kept bothering me so I came back to post this one:
Elmo... Were these taken at the pine forest on Hwy. 84 and Rocky River? As usual, great posting!
ReplyDeleteBy the way... If I want to post a comment, what profile should I use?
Both forest pictures (These and the pine sapling) were taken on Rocky River rd These just north of 84. The sapling just south of 84.
ReplyDeleteuse any profile you like, Anon... works fine.