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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Friday, December 24, 2010

175: I'll Be Home For Christmas

Another from the Tent City

I'll Be Home For Christmas

I started to name this "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas" as it was a recurrent topic of discussion. The white on the ground is dirt that is over exposed in the reflected sun light, not snow.

174: Fire Place at Christmas Eve

Fire Place at Christmas Eve

There is a lot of controversy among street photographers about photographing the homeless. The discussion centers around exploiting the less fortunate for image impact. Today I felt compelled to photograph these homeless folks to remember a very special event.

This afternoon after it warmed up to the mid 40's I headed out to the homeless tent city to get a picture. But this was not the first time I had been there today. Earlier in the day I had met some church folks to facilitate them delivering some much needed items to the homeless in the tent camp. The items were specific items on a list I made by talking with the guys at the camp.

While I was there, this afternoon, a young couple with 1 2/3 children showed up and wanted to set a time to bring them christmas dinner. The Homeless Guys agreed to any time but 5 this evening because they were going to a Christmas Eve service at yet another church.

The events of the day have proven to be A Christmas to remember for me.

I stayed for a couple of hours and sat around the fire chatting. One comment stuck in my head. They said the they really appreciated all the help they received over the Christmas Season, But they wished some of it could be spread out through the year. So that begs the question; Do we have year round compassion or is it seasonal? Now You Know The Rest of the Story.

May your Christmas be as Joyous as mine and remember we are honoring the greatest gift ever given to man. Happy Birthday Jesus.

ps: Just in case you are wondering that is a pork chop and roll on the grill.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Monday, December 20, 2010

172: My Christmas Card

Well it can truthfully be said a sequel is not as good as the original. This is the case here. The original is by a young lady who is a friend of my Grandson. Her blog can be found at:

So here is my feeble attempt:

Merry Christmas to All

Thursday, December 16, 2010

171: The Cross and a Flag

Most times I go out without a plan today was different I had a plan. The plan was to shoot a Nativity Scene. Guess what after looking for a couple of hours I found 4. Two were in a single yard and were not lit. One was in a church yard and was covered with glitter, not very photogenic. The fourth which you might see when it stops raining. But this lack of Nativity scenes led me to a new train of thought and the image was right by my house.

The Cross lights the Flag

Over the past few years there has been a lot of controversy over the phrase "In GOD We Trust" on our currency. My search this evening lends some insight to this matter. As a nation do we trust in GOD? Seems not, as even churches no longer promote this sacred event outside our closed walls. So to be very blunt I think we ether need to take the lie off our currency or have a REVIVAL. I am praying for REVIVAL, remember what GOD did for the Hebrews when on the occasions when they got their act together, He will do the same for us.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

170: Main Street Decorations

Well I have been waiting several weeks for the city to get the electrical problem corrected for the downtown street decorations. Well tonight they were working. I really needed glass that very long or very wide. As I had neither with me as I was not expecting them to be on. So here is what I got.

The City's Snowflake

Monday, December 13, 2010

169: Caught

We have all hear the old expression "Caught with their hand in the Cookie Jar." How about their whole head?


Sunday, December 12, 2010

168: THE House at Christmas

Well I did it for Fall, I did it for Halloween. Here it is for Christmas. Sorry no Nativity Scene.

Christmas Decorations, Missing Something?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

167: A Christmas Carol

An older image that keeps coming to mind at Christmas time. It reminds me of Dicken's Christmas Carol.

A Christmas Carol

166: The Sound of Music

Christmas Caroling

Thursday, December 9, 2010

165: The Truckers Dog

Went to my favorite health food store for the $2.98 Lunch Special (see image #97 ). 15 days before Christmas and they are a long way from home. But where is home?


Monday, December 6, 2010

162: Streets of Monroe

It is just too cold for this old man to want get out, so how about something from the past

Impression, Downtown Monroe

Saturday, December 4, 2010

161: Remembering Summer --Loud

Well no image yesterday as I stayed too close to the fire. Woke up this morning and my feet hit the cold floor, and I started to think about summer. More specific the Fourth of July Parade.


Friday, December 3, 2010

160:Natures Christmas Balls

Natures Christmas Balls

Yes that is the way it was, no Photoshop; RIGHT.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

159: Last Leaf Standing

The Last Leaf Standing

Well it has been a beautiful fall, lots of color. Now cold weather is upon us and without the vivid colors and plesant temperatures it is difficult to look closer for images.