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Sunday, September 5, 2010

76B: The Street at Night -- The Third Night

They say the third time is the charm, may be so. At least in this case it fits. For those of you who do not know, I do not do "set up" shots (only one so far in this series and this is not it). Last evening I saw the image I posted earlier but made another capture that I failed to review.

Calvary In Junk Shop Window

Here was Calvary on Saturday night in Waxhaw. The three crosses: the large white one for Jesus, A small white cross for the convict who repented, The small dark cross for the one who did not repent, All against the dark sky (reflection in the window).

Some times the truth is right before our eyes and we fail to see it.


  1. WOW!
    Could not have said it better myself.
    Makes you stop and think.

  2. i love it, it is a great pic for easter
