Photographers Woe
I had a new experience today while making this image. Yesterday I gave my daughter a hint on a possible shot involving the full moon. The more I thought about it I began to envision a similar shot that could be taken in my area. I left well before moonrise to find a suitable location. I found a suitable location several hours before moonrise and got everything set up for this fantastic shot.As I sat patiently (yea right), I noticed some wild flowers. I have been working on an improved method for lighting macros. This seem like a good time to experiment. I got thing set up with my backup body and started making a few exposures. After a short time I heard sirens. In a minute a rescue truck turned up the lane where I was. A fire truck followed, then a ambulance. They all came to a screeching halt at my truck. Seem a passer by saw me laying down on the ground taking picture and reported it to 911 as a possible dead person.
Before it was over there was a rescue truck, two fire trucks, An ambulance and ambulance support supervisor, a gaggle of Volunteer firemen, not to mention a couple of deputy sheriffs. One of the deputies, who has "harassed" me several times in the past walked up and said: "Oh, its you. Is there some way you can take pictures without causing a commotion."
The question is how does one explain to a bunch of rednecks, why one would want to lay down in the middle of a field and take a pictures of a weed!!
But there is more. By the time of moon rise, a total cloud cover had moved in and I got no full moon image. Now you know the rest of the story.
Disclaimer:: None of this was my fault, If anyone is to blame it is my daughter, even though she is 2000 miles away.
Are you serious?!? That couldn't have happened... and if it did a policeman wouldn't (shouldn't) react that way.
ReplyDeleteWhat is going on? I can't believe what I just read. Why would someone call 911 without verifying that someone was "really" in need of help?
I'm sorry, but I am at a loss for words here... maybe I can get my thoughts together and post an intelligent reply at a later time.
Nice photo by the way. I'm sorry you had so much trouble.
I'll talk to you later.
Yes it happened! What can I say it was a FULL MOON.
ReplyDeleteSorry, Dad. At least they didn't pull guns like that time in Lufkin at the antique store.
ReplyDeleteElmo Bless your heart! It's not like you were showing a "Full Moon" you just wonted to take a pitcure of the one in the sky! :}
ReplyDeleteGod Loves ya and so do we : }
Good take on the flower! BEAUTIFUL and full of grace.