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Monday, November 5, 2012

308: What Happened to Thanksgiving

I am putting forth some effort to resurrect my blog.  So today I visualized 3 possible images and wouldn't you know it.  There was no way to make them work.  So after dark I headed to Downtown Monroe, where there are always good windows to shoot.  Not tonight!!!  It is not even Thanksgiving yet and all I saw was Christmas decorations  @#$#@%(&.  Call me old fashion, backwards, primitive, what ever; but Christmas season DOES NOT start until the day AFTER Thanksgiving.

It took a while but I finally found one window pane not out of season.  And this area made me think of my granddaughter Joy Anna who got married recently and the theme for her wedding was a "BOOT and SCOOT".  Well you can never say us TEXICIANS are opinionated or stick strictly to traditions.. 


1 comment:

  1. Yep. Christmas doesn't start until after Thanksgiving. But Christ is now out-of-Christmas if you haven't heard. Now it is the "Holiday" season so they can start that anytime after Halloween. Can you hear my sarcasm? (if I spelled that right)
